Dorcel is committed to respecting the Code of Ethics for adult content productions of April 21, 2021. Dorcel already applies the main principles of this charter to all its productions. Dorcel communicates in a transparent manner the precise terms of application of this charter by publishing on its website its Adult content Production Code listing its internal rules as well as the progress of their application. In this way, we wish to make everyone aware of the conditions to which we commit ourselves on our productions.
In the next few months, beginning in 2022, Dorcel is committed to enforcing its entire Code to all of its affiliated companies in France and abroad.
Beyond its own productions, Dorcel is committed to ensuring that the fundamental principles of the charter are respected and applied by all its French and foreign suppliers. This concerns more than 100 reputable and recognized international producers in this industry. It will therefore be a matter of explanation, support and verification. We expect to finalize this work for all our suppliers within 3 years, by 2025. We have already ceased our collaboration with partners and producers who, in our opinion, are not able to provide a sufficient guarantee of compliance with these principles. We will regularly communicate on our website the percentage of works that we broadcast that comply with these ethical principles.
In February 2024, more than 39% of partner studios provide and commit to a charter at least equivalent to the Code of Ethics for adult content productions.

Dorcel is committed to respecting the Ethical Charter for adult content production of April 21, 2021 and has defined its Adult Content Production Code and the following rules accordingly. This code applies to all executive production companies that Dorcel uses to produce its productions.
The majority of these rules are already applied to our productions. The shaded areas are in the process of being implemented and this document will be updated as soon as they are applied.
The artists are formally reminded of the pornographic nature and the specific requirements of the production and their performances. The artists are made aware of the fact that their performance will be visible to a large audience, worldwide, including the Internet, television networks and social networks, for the duration of the rights granted, or 50 years.
The artists are also reminded of the irreversible nature of this transfer of rights and the negative family, social and professional consequences that may result from the dissemination of their image in this context.
Finally, the artists are asked to read in detail the Charter of Ethics for the adult content production of April 21, 2021 and to commit themselves to comply with it.
The name, address, registration and representative of the executive production company are clearly indicated on the contract proposed to the artists. The work produced, its director, the name of the production studio, its dates and duration of shooting are clearly indicated and verifiable at Dorcel’s headquarters to avoid any impersonation. Likewise, the production will require at least one valid piece of identification, proving the identity and majority of the artists. The production requires that performers in its productions use a pseudonym to protect their personal lives.
All actions (sex and comedy scenes, number of partners, sexual practices) and remunerations are defined in advance with each artist and fixed in a contract transmitted in a time frame allowing for a serene reflection. The contract is signed before the shooting. No situation or practice not described in the contract may be demanded of the production or director, nor of other artists etc. at the time of shooting. No pressure of any kind is put on the artists to obtain their consent for these new situations or practices.
The content of the shooting days is specified in a “work plan” shared before the shooting with the artists and technical teams. This “work plan” is attached to the contract. It details the schedules, locations, performances and sexual practices, partners, conditions of accommodation, transportation, food and rest.
The contract is written in a language that the artist can easily read and understand. The contract and its annexes are available at least in French, English, Spanish, Hungarian and Russian.
As a matter of principle, no artist may be forced to have a sexual practice and/or a partner with whom he/she would be uncomfortable.
The contract grants the artist a right of withdrawal in the event that the artist wishes to forego any performance and sexual practices or no longer wishes to interact with an artist partner(s).
If these performances, sexual practices and/or partners were previously provided in the contract, then no expenses or compensation may be requested from the artist and the corresponding remuneration shall not be due.
If these performances, sexual practices and/or partner were not previously provided in the contract, then no expenses or compensation may be requested from him/her and the corresponding remuneration shall be due in full. The same will apply if the artist’s partner(s) is/are unable to provide a complete and negative STD test, less than 14 days old, performed by an independent laboratory.
Artists who are new to pornographic productions are given special support. Dorcel presents and explains to them the Ethical Charter for Adult Content production of April 21, 2021, the Dorcel Production Code and its commitments, contracts and conditions… To ensure that artists receive informed and independent information, the production puts them in contact with an intimacy coordinator or specialized associations and experienced artists. In addition, they are offered the opportunity to attend a shooting before participating in one themselves. Finally, a reflection period of at least two weeks is observed before any participation in a shooting.
The minimum remuneration assured by Dorcel for the artists is 700€ per heterosexual scene for the female artists and 400€ per heterosexual scene for the male artists.
Depending on their request, their performance, their status and the country of filming, the artists can be hired, according to their wishes and in accordance with the legislation, under the status of employee within the framework of a fixed-term contract, or as a self-employed person or company.
The production ensures that hygiene and safety conditions are respected on the film sets and during casting for all members of the film crews.
The production provides all means of protection and hygiene necessary for the sexual practices of the artists. Condoms, intimate hygiene equipment and first aid kits are always present and freely accessible on the filming location.
Outside of filmed scenes or photo shoots, the privacy and comfort of each artist is preserved. The artists are informed of their accommodation conditions prior to their engagement.
Filming locations are clean and safe for the health and safety of artists and technical crews.
A intimacy coordinator will be present on the shoot and available to each artist to :
– provide advice and support in case of questions, doubts or difficulties
– if necessary, to mediate in case of misunderstanding or conflict with the director, the production or with another artist
– ensure that everyone has a good knowledge and understanding of the specificities of the shoot, its implications and its particular conditions
– guarantee, with the production, the strict respect of the limits and practices refused by each artist
This trusted third party can be reached freely before and during the shooting at the contact indicated in the contract.
Only the professionals linked to the production can be present on the shooting. The presence of any other person requires the prior agreement of the production and the artists.
Artists are informed that, as part of their performance, protection against STDs is essential. The artist undertakes to carry out, at the production’s expense, in an independent laboratory, an STD test* less than 14 days old before the first day of filming, attesting to the production’s aptitude, which is a determining condition for being able to carry out their performance.
*(syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomonas, hepatitis B and C, herpes, chlamydia, HIV viral load, and for the current period a Covid RT PCR less than 72 hours old).
Condom use is mandatory for all vaginal and anal sex during filming. Performers will strictly adhere to this requirement.
Performers are informed of the risks of using drugs that are ingested or injected to ensure erection. They are also informed that they can contact the intimacy coordinator for any additional information on these risks and that the production formally discourages these uses. The production adopts a benevolent attitude and without expectation regarding the sexual performances of the artists.
This code will evolve according to the needs to always meet the regulatory, sanitary and social requirements and in a process of constant improvement of the conditions of adult content production.
Dorcel is committed to respecting the Code of Ethics for adult content productions of April 21, 2021. Dorcel already applies the main principles of this charter to all its productions. Dorcel communicates in a transparent manner the precise terms of application of this charter by publishing on its website its Adult content Production Code listing its internal rules as well as the progress of their application. In this way, we wish to make everyone aware of the conditions to which we commit ourselves on our productions.
In the next few months, beginning in 2022, Dorcel is committed to enforcing its entire Code to all of its affiliated companies in France and abroad.
Beyond its own productions, Dorcel is committed to ensuring that the fundamental principles of the charter are respected and applied by all its French and foreign suppliers. This concerns more than 100 reputable and recognized international producers in this industry. It will therefore be a matter of explanation, support and verification. We expect to finalize this work for all our suppliers within 3 years, by 2025. We have already ceased our collaboration with partners and producers who, in our opinion, are not able to provide a sufficient guarantee of compliance with these principles. We will regularly communicate on our website the percentage of works that we broadcast that comply with these ethical principles.
In February 2024, more than 39% of partner studios provide and commit to a charter at least equivalent to the Code of Ethics for adult content productions.